Søstrene Grene
Scandinavian, Creative Living
About Søstrene Grene
Anna and Clara invite you into a sensual world consisting of classical music, aesthetics and comfortability.
The story of Søstrene Grene began in Aarhus/Danmark with the sisters Anna and Clara in 1973. As a solid family enterprise they put a lot of effort in ethical behaviour towards employees, costumers, the society and environment. Today, the Grene sisters have shops in Danmark, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Japan, France, Ireland and in Germany.
The sisters develop the different product categories like interior decoration, drawing material, wrapping paper, kitchen untensils and toys for children with a lot of passion. Numerous new articles arrive every week in the shops and are just shortly available. „Changes make the life", says Clara, even though some articles became part of the main range of products. But there is one thing, that all of the products have in common: it is their elegant, feminine flair which fills the every-day routine with beauty and love. And the prices remain in a affordable range.
We warmly welcome you in the wonderful world of Anna and Clare. Have a look and remember: Just buy, what you really need!!